Message from the Principal, Mr Vassilios Schoinas

The Experimental Junior High School of Patras University, an integral part of the Experimental School of Patras University, has been constantly present in a positive way in the educational events in Patras since its establishment in 1972 until today. The Experimental Junior High School of Patras University implements experimental and innovative teaching methods, has an intensely student-centred character and prioritizes love and care for the student as well as emphasizing creativity, imagination and innovation in the classroom. Moreover, it has a clear European and international orientation and is characterized by the constant search and feedback for quality education, which is constantly improving with the use of new technologies.

Because of all these features, the school runs deep in the consciousness of the citizens of Patras and not only them, as a school that makes an essential contribution to the formation of complete personalities and that promotes and gives prominence to the “nice and virtuous” person and citizen.

Phone: 2610431950
Fax: 2610429426
Πανεπιστημιούπολη, Ρίο, Πάτρα
Σολωμού & Μαγούλας